Scholarly Essays

  1. “The Poet and his Reader.” Queen's Quarterly 54 (1947): 202-13. Print.
  2. “Romantic Chasms.” Times Literary Supplement 21 Jun 1947. 309. Print.
  3. “The Mariner and the Albatross.” University of Toronto Quarterly 16 (1947): 381-98. Print.
    1. 3A. Reprinted in part in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, a Handbook. ed Royal A. Gettmann. San Francisco: University of Illinois, 1961. 83-8. Print.
    2. 3B. Reprinted in Coleridge: A Collection of Critical Essays. ed Kathleen Coburn, Englewood Cliffs: Spectrum Books, 1967. 32-50. Print.
    3. 3C. Reprinted from 3B with references revised, in Twentieth Century Interpretations of “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” Ed. James Boulger, Englewood Cliffs: Spectrum Books, 1969. 73-91. Print.
    4. 3D. Reprinted from 3C in Coleridge: The Ancient Mariner and Other Poems. Ed. A.R. Jones and W. Tydeman. London: Macmillan, 1973. 160-83. Print.
  4. “Coleridge and Wales.” Times Literary Supplement. 16 Aug 1947. 415.
  5. “The Metaphysical Revival.” Yale Review 37 (1948): 434-46. Print.
    1. 5A. Reprinted in German translation as “Zum Verständniss moderner Dichtung” in Die amerikanische Rundschau no 19 (June 1948): 69-78. Print.
  6. “The Great Canadian Novel.” Queen's Quarterly 55 (1948): 318-26. Print.
  7. “The Bristol Library Borrowings of Southey and Coleridge, 1793-8.” The Library 5.4 (1949): 114-32. Print.
    1. 7A. Reprinted in Paul Deschamps, La Formation de la Pensee de Coleridge. Paris: Didier, 1964. Appendix I, 545-52. Print. [Annotated List Only]
  8. “The Dispersal of S.T. Coleridge's Books.” Times Literary Supplement 28 Oct 1949. Special article, anonymous. Print
  9. “The Date of Two Letters from Coleridge to George Dyer.” Notes and Queries 15 (Oct 1949): 454-5.
  10. “Coleridge and Southey in Bristol, 1795.” Review of English Studies. New Series 1 (1950): 324-40. Print.
  11. “The Pathetic Fallacy.” Queen's Quarterly 57 (1950): 521-9. Print.
  12. “Coleridge and John Murray.” Quarterly Review 588 (1951): 253-66. Print
  13. “Coleridge on Classical Prosody.” Review of English Studies 2 (1951): 239-47. Print.
  14. “The Integrity of Biographia Literaria.” Essays and Studies 1953. New Series 6. London: John Murray, 1953. 87-101. Print.
  15. “Coleridge, Southey, and Joan of Arc.” Notes and Queries 1 (1954): 67-9. Print.
  16. “A Library Cormorant.” The Listener 52, number 1332 (Sept 1954): 396-7, 400. Print. [Text of BBC Third Programme talk, broadcast 23 Aug 1954]
  17. “Preface to Lyrical Ballads - - a Portent.” University of Toronto Quarterly 25 (1956): 467-83. Print.
  18. “Coleridge's Sheet of Sonnets.” Times Literary Supplement 23 Nov 1956. Print.
  19. “Coleridge's Debt to Charles Lamb.” Essays and Studies 1958. London: John Murray, 1958. 68-85. Print.
    1. 19A. “Charles Lamb and Coleridge's annus mirabilis.” Charles Lamb Society Bulletin 136 (May 1957): 156-7. [Abstract of an address to the annual meeting of the Charles Lamb Society, Salisbury.]
  20. “The Fields of Sleep.” Review of English Studies 9 (1958): 49-53. Print.
  21. Bibliographical entries for Samuel Taylor Coleridge, James Hogg, and Samuel Rogers. Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature V (supplementary volume). Ed. George Watson, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1958. 557-65, 852. Print
  22. “Yeats and Broadcasting.” Appendix III to Allan Wade, A Bibliography of the Writings of W. B. Yeats, 2nd edn revised by Rupert Hart-Davis and George Whalley. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1958. 409-18. Print.
    1. 22A. Reprinted in Allan Wade, A Bibliography of the Writings of W.B. Yeats, 3rd edn revised and ed by R. K. Alspach, London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1968. 467-77. Print.
  23. “Henri Bergson.” Architects of Modern Thought. 3rd and 4th Series, Toronto: CBC, 1959. 33-44. Print. [A talk contributed to a series of broadcasts by various authors]
  24. “Scholarship and Criticism.” University of Toronto Quarterly 29 (1959): 33-45. Print. [Address delivered to the first plenary session of ACUTE, Edmonton 9 June 1958.]
    1. 24A. Reprinted in Academic Discourse, Ed. John Enck. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1964. 150-62. Print.
    2. 24B. Reprinted in The Practice of Modern Literary Scholarship. Ed S.P. Zitner, Glenview: Scott, Foresman, 1966. 1-13. Print.
    3. 24C. Opening and Closing paragraphs in A Curriculum for English Language and its Written Use. Lincoln: University of Newbraska Press, 1970. 107-8. Print.
  25. “English at School.” Journal of Education 4 (1960): 63-73. Print.
  26. “The Humanities and Modern Science.” Proceedings of the NCCUC 1960. 45-54. Print.
    1. 26A. Reprinted, with small revisions, as “Humanities and Science: Two Cultures or One” in Queen's Quarterly 68 (1961): 237-48. Print.
    2. 26B. Reprinted in Current 19 (1961): 58-64. Print.
    3. 26C. Last three paragraphs reprinted (with two extracts from C.P. Snow) in “Communication between Science and the Humanities”: The Challenge of Change, a record from The Ways of Mankind, a study-discussion program. New York, 1962.
  27. “Coleridge on the Prometheus of Aeschylus.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada 54 (1961): Section II. 13-34. Print.
  28. “Portrait of a Bibliophile: Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1834.” The Book Collector 10 (1961): 275-90. Print.
  29. Introduction to Stephen Leacock, My Discovery of England. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1961. New Canadian Library N 28. vii-xiv. Print.
  30. “Coleridge Unlabyrinthed.” University of Toronto Quarterly 22 (1963): 325-45. Print. [A public lecture delivered at the University of Wisconsin, spring 1962.]
  31. “Revolution and Poetry.” Centennial Review 8 (1964): 371-90. Print. [Address to the Foster Poetry Conference, Oct 1963.]
    1. 31A. Reprinted with small revisions in English Poetry in Quebec, Proceedings of the Foster Poetry Conference, 12-14 Oct 1963. Ed John Glassco, Montreal: McGill University Press, 1965. 65-87. Print.
  32. “Sheet-Anchors and Landfalls.” Humanities Association Bulletin 15 (1964): 17-24. Print. [Address to the annual banquet of the Humanities Association, Charlottetown, 17 June 1964.]
  33. “Late Autumn's Amaranth: Coleridge's Late Poems.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 4th series. 2 (1964): 159-79. Print.
  34. “Metaphor” and “Simile”: articles in Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Ed. Alex Preminger. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1965. 490-5, 767-9. Print.
  35. “Literary Romanticism.” Queen's Quarterly 72 (1965): 232-52. Print. [Contribution to a seminar on Romanticism. Feb 1965.]
  36. “The Wisdom of the Body.” Canadian Medical Association Journal 93 (1965): 603-6. Print. [Address to the Osler Society, London Ontario, spring 1965.]
  37. “Coleridge's Poetical Canon: Selection and Arrangement.” Review of English Literature 7 (1966): 9-24. Print.
  38. “Literary Computing.” Proceedings of SHARE XXVIII (1967). [Paper delivered to SHARE conference, San Francisco, 16 Feb 1967.]
    1. 38A. Reprinted, revised, in Quarterly Bulletin of the Computer Society of Canada 7 (1967): 9-13. Print.
  39. “Samuel Taylor Coleridge.” The New Catholic Encyclopaedia. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967. III 988-90. Print.
  40. “Celebration and Elegy in New Zealand Verse.” Queen's Quarterly 74 (1967): 738-53. Print. [Paper delivered to Commonwealth division of MLA, Chicago, Jan 1966.]
  41. “Coleridge Marginalia Lost.” The Book Collector 17 (1968): 428-42. 2 plates. Print. Addendum, Note 315, The Book Collector 18 (1969): 223. Print.
  42. “Coleridge and the Royal Society of Literature.” Studies by Divers Hands. New Series. 35 (1969): 147-51. Print. [Part of the Tredegar Memorial Lecture entitled “The Unseen Coleridge” delivered in London 23 May 1968.]
  43. “The Harvest on the Ground: Coleridge's Marginalia.” University of Toronto Quarterly 38 (1969): 248-76. Print. [Public lecture delivered at Oxford 17 May 1968.]
  44. “The Publication of Coleridge's Prometheus Essay.” Notes and Queries (Feb 1969): 52-5. Print.
  45. “Wordsworth Library Catalogue: Harvard MS Eng 880”, typescript xeroxed p. 51; and “A Checklist of Books in Wordsworth's Library”, typescript xeroxed p. [2] 110. Transcribed and arranged [?1958]. Copies presented to Dove Cottage Library, spring 1969; to Cornell Wordsworth Collection and Victoria College Library, spring 1971. [restricted circulation].
  46. “Coleridge and Vico.” Giambattista Vico: An International Symposium. Ed. Giorgio Tagliacozzo and Hayden V. White. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1969. 225-44. Print.
  47. Bibliographical entry for Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature. Vol. III (1800-1900). Ed. George Watson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1969. coll 211-54. Print. [Items by GW noticed: on Wordsworth, col 205; on Coleridge coll 212, 215, 225, 244; on Southey, col 261; on Shelley, col 343; on Lamb, col 1230; on Yeats, col 1929.]
  48. “On Translating Aristotle's Poetics.” University of Toronto Quarterly 39.2 (1970): 77-106. Print. [Revised version of paper delivered to ACUTE, York University, 11 June 1969.]
  49. “On Reading Coleridge.” Writers and their Background: S.T. Coleridge. Ed. R. L. Brett, London: Bell & Sons, 1971. 1-44. Print. [Also “Bibliography”, p. 271-81. Published 4 June 1971.]
  50. “'Scholarship', `Research', and `The Pursuit of Truth'.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Series 4, 8 (1970; published 1971): 290-322. Print.
  51. “England/Romantic-Romanticism.” `Romantic' and its Cognates: The European History of a Word. Ed. Hans Eichner. Toronto: U of Toronto P. Manchester: Manchester U, 1972. 157-262. Print.
  52. “`Research' and the Humanities.” Queen's Quarterly, 79 (1972) 441-57. Print. [Commissioned for the Corry-Bonneau Commission on the Rationalisation of Research; distributed with the report - Quest for the Optimum - in duplicated typescript.]
  53. “On Editing Coleridge's Marginalia.” Editing Texts of the Romantic Period: Papers Given at the Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, November 1971. Ed. John D. Baird. Toronto: A.M. Hakkert, 1972. 89-116 and plates. Print. [Paper delivered at the University of Toronto 6 Novvember 1971.]
  54. “The Aristotle-Coleridge Axis.” University of Toronto Quarterly 42 (winter 1972/3): 93-109. Print. [Paper delivered to the Classical Association, Memorial University, St. John's, Newfoundland 27 May 1971.]
  55. “Some Complex Functions of Language.” The Structurist 12 (1972-3): 9-16. Print.
    1. 55A. Extensive quotations in "Life and Language." Manes (Los Angeles) 26.42 (17 Oct 1973): 4, 7, 8. Print.
  56. “Thomas Gray: a Quiet Hellenist.” Fearful Joy: Papers from the Thomas Gray Bicentenary Conference at Carleton University. Ed. James Downey and Ben Jones. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1974. 146-71. see also p. 258-9. Print. [Paper delivered in the National Library, Ottawa 19 May 1971.]
  57. “Coleridge's Poetic Sensibility.” Coleridge's Variety: Bicentenary Studies. Ed. John Beer. London: Macmillan, 1974. 1-30. Print. [Paper delivered at Cambridge University 9 October 1972.]
  58. “Lend Your Books to Such a One.” Charles Lamb Society Bulletin. New Series. 10-11 (Apr/Jul 1975: 55-60. Print.
  59. “Picking Up the Thread.” In the Name of Language. Ed. Joseph Gold. Toronto: Macmillan, 1975. 46-70. Print. [Paper delivered to ACE/ACUTE Conference, Glendon College, Toronto 15 May 1973.]
  60. “Where are English Studies Going?” In the Name of Language. Ed. Joseph Gold. Toronto: Macmillan, 1975. 131-60. Print. [Revised and extended from a paper delivered to ACUTE annual meeting, Queen's University, Kingston 29 May 1973.]
  61. “Jane Austen: Poet.” Jane Austen's Achievement: Papers Delivered at the Jane Austen Bicentennial Conference at the University of Alberta. Ed. Juliet McMaster. London, New York, Toronto: Macmillan, 1976. 106-33. Print. [Revised paper delivered to the Centennial Conference, Edmonton 6 Oct. 1975.]
  62. “The Place of Language in the Study of Literature.” Indirections (OCTE), II, no. 2 (winter 1977): 13-31. Print. [Paper delivered to OCTE annual convention, Toronto 15 Oct. 1976, entitled “The Imprint of Man's Mind”.]
  63. “Poetry as Education of the Senses.” The Structurist 17/18 (1977/8): 37-46. Print.
    1. 63B. Extensive quotations in Manes (Los Angeles) 32.26/35 (27 June 1979): 3-4. Print.
  64. “Birthright to the Sea: Some Poems of E. J. Pratt.” Queen's Quarterly 85.4 (winter 1978/9): 578-94 [E. J. Pratt Memorial Lecture, St. John's Newfoundland, Memorial University 20 Oct. 1976; Preface revised.]
  65. “Teaching Poetry.” The Compass 5 (winter 1978/9): 1-15. Print. [Address to ACCUTE, University of Western Ontario 24 May 1978.]
  66. “Literature: an Instrument of Inquiry.” Humanities Association Review. 29. 3-4 (summer/fall 1978): 243-59. French version `La Littérature: un instrument de recherche', ibid., pp. 223-42. Print. [James Cappon Inaugural Lecture, Queen's University 28 November 1977.]
  67. “The Humanities in the World at Large.” Queen's Quarterly, 86, no. 1 (1980) 1-15. Print. [Keynote address to conference on “The Humanities in Society: Towards a New Coalition”, Carleton University 20-22 November 1978.]
  68. “Coleridge and the Self-unravelling Clue.” Editing Polymaths: Erasmus to Russell: Papers Given At the Eighteenth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems University of Toronto 5-6 November 1982. Ed. H.J. Jackson. Toronto: Committee for the Conference on Editorial Problems, 1983. 17-40. Print.